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Higher Degree by Research Student Scholarship Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To outline requirements and principles for the selection of candidates for, and the administration of, Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Scholarships.

2 Scope

This Procedure applies to all HDR Scholarships offered by the University.

3 Procedure Overview

This Procedure provides a framework for the administration and allocation of HDR Scholarships and ensures effective use of the University's investment in HDR Scholarships. The Scholarship schemes within the scope of this Procedure include but are not limited to:

Category A

  • Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships
  • UniSQ Postgraduate Research Stipend Scholarships
  • UniSQ International Stipend Research Scholarships
  • UniSQ International Tuition Fees Research Scholarships

Category B

  • Externally funded Scholarships
  • UniSQ-funded Scholarships (Category A), but which are allocated to support specific projects

This Procedure does not apply to:

  • Research Training Program Fees Offset Scholarships
  • Scholarships that are not paid through the University

Please see the Research Training Program Scholarship Procedure for information on Fees Offset Scholarships and Stipend Scholarships made available via the RTP.

4 Procedures

4.1 Eligibility

HDR Scholarships offered by the University are typically offered on the basis of Academic Merit and the process is competitive. Eligibility for Admission to an HDR Program does not guarantee the award of a Scholarship.

Applicants for Scholarships will only be considered for Scholarships once they have been deemed eligible for Admission or have been admitted to an HDR Program.

Domestic Applicants who are commencing or continuing in an HDR Program are eligible to apply for Stipend Scholarships.

International Applicants who are commencing or continuing in an HDR Program are eligible to apply for a Stipend Scholarship, which may include Fees Offset.

To be eligible for Scholarships, Applicants must be available for full-time Enrolment and be located in Australia (except for periods of approved fieldwork outside of Australia).

For specific eligibility criteria for each Scholarship, please refer to the University Scholarships website.

Category B Scholarships may have additional eligibility requirements, which are outlined on the University Scholarships website.

4.2 Applications

Scholarship application dates are published on the University Scholarships website.

It is the Applicant's responsibility to provide all required documentation for consideration of a Scholarship application by the Scholarship closing date. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

4.3 Selection Process

Scholarships are awarded as a result of a competitive selection process. Scholarship applications will be assessed on Academic Merit; previous research outputs and research experience of the Applicant; supervisory record of the proposed supervisory team; appropriateness of expertise; quality of the research proposal; and alignment with the University's research flagship areas.

The full selection criteria for each Scholarship being offered are available on the University Scholarships website.

4.3.1 Scholarship Application Criteria

The Scholarship application criteria will be applied according to the scoring matrix in the Higher Degree by Research Student Scholarship Guidelines.

Criterion 1 - Academic Achievement




Assess the quality of the candidate's academic performance.

Party responsible for responding to criterion

Student applying for Scholarship

Information that should be included on the response to the selection criterion

  • Details of undergraduate degrees. If applicable, specific class of Honours and related area of study.
  • Details of postgraduate degrees, specifically evidence of research competence.
  • List of the cumulative/final grade point average for all degrees listed (on a 7-point scale).
  • List of academic awards and/or prizes, particularly those related to research courses/and or activities.

Criterion 2 - Research Capability




Assess evidence of research preparedness and capability.

Party responsible for responding to criterion

Student applying for Scholarship

Information that should be included on the response to the selection criterion

  • Details of previous research experience and how these relate to the proposed project.
  • Details of research outputs, such as:
    • Research publications and publications under review (including impact factor, full citation and DOI link to each publication).
    • Research presentations/conferences.
    • Research internship/volunteering experience (if applicable).
    • Creative works (if applicable).

Criterion 3 - Research Project and Environment




Assess the quality of the research project and environment.

Party responsible for responding to criterion

Student applying for Scholarship, with input from supervisory team

Information that should be included on the response to the selection criterion

  • Alignment with UniSQ research flagship areas, including:
    • The relevance of the research to the Australian and international research contexts.
    • External support for the research project demonstrated by funding or in-kind support from external stakeholders.
  • Project title and preliminary proposal.
  • Details of how the project integrates into a defined area of research at the University.
  • Details of the expected impacts of the proposed research.
  • Details of resource requirements and available funding and external support for the project.

Criterion 4 - Supervisory Team




Assess the quality of advisory team including record of successful supervision, appropriate advisory load, and complementary expertise.

Party responsible for responding to criterion

Supervisory team

Information that should be included on the response to the selection criterion

  • Publication records.
  • Complementary expertise among the supervisory team.
  • Details of how the Student/project will be supported by the supervisory team in terms of mentoring, supporting candidate development, time allocated to the project, supervisor capacity (i.e., the amount of time and resources that the supervisor can allocate).
  • Details of resource requirements and available funding and external support for the project.

These weightings may be updated with the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation). Any change to weightings will be reflected in the Higher Degree by Research Student Scholarship Guidelines.

Project-specific HDR Scholarships may have additional or varied selection criteria to what is listed here. Please refer to the University Scholarships website for specific Scholarship criteria.

4.3.2 Selection Panels

Scholarship applications will be assessed and ranked in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Student Scholarship Guidelines by selection panels that reflect the relevant University flagship areas. Each panel will comprise at least five senior academics from different academic areas within the University, including Schools, Colleges, Research Institutes and Centres, including the Dean, Graduate Research School (GRS) who will act as panel chair for each panel. Panels must:

  • Declare and record any panel member's Conflict of Interest with an Applicant for a Scholarship, including personal or professional relationships and instances where they have taught or supervised the Applicant
  • Assess and rank each application on the merit of the provided information against the selection criteria for that Scholarship

In the case of Category B Scholarships, the Chief Investigator or external funder may provide a recommendation to the Dean (GRS) for consideration. The recommendation should include an assessment of candidates against the Scholarship application weightings and the Scholarship selection criteria. The Decision to award the Scholarship is made by the Dean (GRS).

4.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities




Formation of selection panel

Dean (GRS)

Appoint and confirm panel members, in accordance with section 4.3.2.

Referral of applications


  • For new Applicants: provide Scholarship application documents and candidature application form.
  • For existing Students: provide Scholarship application documents and original candidature application, including any relevant new information.

Selection panel assessment

Selection panel (individually)

All panel members declare any Conflicts of Interest to the GRS, prior to completing assessments.

Panel members independently complete assessment against the selection criteria (using scoring matrix outlined in the Higher Degree by Research Student Scholarship Guidelines), provide a list of Applicant rankings to GRS.

Compilation of master list


GRS collates the scores allocated by the individual panel members and compiles a ranked master list of all Scholarship Applicants.

Panel consensus

Selection panel (as a group)

Panel comes to a consensus regarding the order of Applicants, based on the list provided by GRS, and provides the GRS with a final master list.

Scholarship recommendations

Dean (GRS)

Panel-ranked master list and associated documentation is compiled by the GRS and provided to the Dean (GRS) who considers the panel rankings and determines the final list of recommended Scholarship allocations.

Scholarship allocations

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

Dean (GRS) provides the final list (including individual panel scores) to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) who considers and approves Scholarship allocations. The Decision of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) is final and no internal review or Appeal process is available.

Notification to Applicants


The GRS issues a formal offer of Scholarship to successful Applicants, including the terms and conditions of the Scholarship. If an awardee declines a Scholarship offer, the Scholarship will typically be offered to the highest-ranking non-awardee.

Report to Research Training Sub-Committee

Dean (GRS)

Report on final Scholarship allocations to be provided to the Research Training Sub-Committee.

Report to Research Committee

Dean (GRS)

Report on final Scholarship allocations to be provided to the Research Committee.

4.3.4 Notification of Outcomes

All Scholarship offers will be sent in writing by the GRS in the form of a letter of offer to the email address indicated on the Scholarship application. Expected year of commencement, terms and conditions of the Scholarship, payment details and any other relevant information will be included in the letter of offer. Recipients must sign and return the statement of terms and conditions provided with the letter of offer by the date specified to the GRS and must be enrolled in the relevant HDR Program for payments to commence.

Where a recipient must complete specific requirements prior to receiving a formal offer of a Scholarship, they will be provided with a conditional letter of offer, which will outline the activities to be completed in order to receive a formal offer. Where a recipient has not demonstrated that they have completed the specific requirements as outlined in their letter of offer, their offer of Scholarship will be withdrawn.

4.4 Progress

Students in receipt of a Scholarship are required to make satisfactory progress in their studies. Progress will be monitored in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Student Progress Procedure. If the University does not consider that progress is satisfactory, the Scholarship may be suspended or terminated.

Cotutelle PhD Students may have additional requirements to maintain satisfactory progress - please refer to the Cotutelle PhD Program Procedure for further details.

4.4.1 Suspension of Scholarship

If a Student is unable to pursue their HDR Program for any reason, they must notify the University immediately in writing. The Scholarship will be either suspended or withdrawn.

In the instance a Student goes on an approved Leave of Absence that is outside of the standard recreation or sick leave, they will have their Scholarship suspended until they return to study. Students must contact the GRS 10 days prior to the recommencement of their studies to arrange the resumption of their Scholarship.

If a Student is subject to performance management in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Student Progress Procedure, typically their Scholarship will be suspended pending the outcome.

4.4.2 Withdrawal of Scholarship

A Student's Scholarship will cease upon submission of the Thesis for examination, or at the end of the Scholarship period, whichever is earlier. The Scholarship will be withdrawn before this time if the Student:

  • Has their candidature discontinued
  • Withdraws from the HDR program
  • Ceases to be enrolled and has not requested a period of leave
  • Ceases to meet eligibility requirements, including changes to research topic and/or supervision where it impedes the Scholarship

As per 4.6.3, if a Student requests a change of research topic or supervisory team, the terms and conditions of their Scholarship will be reviewed if the Student:

  • Does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of leave
  • Ceases to be enrolled full-time and does not have approval to receive the Scholarship part-time, in accordance with section 4.6.1
  • Has not provided true, accurate and complete information in relation to their Scholarship application and/or Scholarship tenure
  • Is in breach of this Procedure or any condition of the Scholarship as outlined in the Scholarship letter of offer

4.5 Leave

Unless otherwise specified in the Scholarship letter of offer, Scholarship holders are entitled to the leave types listed below:

Annual Leave

Scholarship holders are entitled to 20 University business days per annum of paid leave for recreational purposes.

This leave is to be taken during the Scholarship period. Students should inform their supervisors when they take this leave and apply for it online.

Sick Leave

Scholarship holders are entitled to 10 University business days per annum of paid sick leave.

Sick leave may also be used for Students with family caring responsibilities. Students should inform their supervisors when taking this leave and apply in writing for it through the GRS.

Leave of Absence

Scholarship holders may apply for unpaid Leave of Absence in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Student Admissions and Enrolments Procedure.

Any periods of approved unpaid Leave of Absence will not impact the total duration of the Scholarship, although the Thesis submission date will be extended by the length of program leave taken.

Parental Leave

Scholarship holders who have completed 12 months (full-time equivalent) of their candidature are entitled to receive paid parental leave for a birth or adoption.

  1. Parental leave must be claimed in the first 12 months of a child's life (or in the first 12 months after adoption in the case of adoption). In cases where candidates are not eligible for parental leave, they can apply for a Leave of Absence, subject to approval by the Dean (GRS).
  2. If the Scholarship holder is the primary carer of the child, the holder is entitled to a maximum of 60 working days' parental leave during the Scholarship.
  3. If the Scholarship holder is the partner of the primary carer of the child, the holder is entitled to a maximum of 10 working days' parental leave during the Scholarship.

Applications for parental leave must be submitted to the GRS with an accompanying medical certificate and/or other appropriate documentation. Paid parental leave will extend the Scholarship beyond the normal Scholarship tenure.

International candidates must check the conditions of their visa before applying for leave. Candidature and Scholarship will not be extended due to periods of parental leave that have not been taken.

4.6 Variation to Scholarship

4.6.1 Part-Time Studies

In exceptional circumstances, a Scholarship holder may be approved to continue their Scholarship on a part-time basis and their stipend will be paid at a part-time rate. Applications for part-time stipends must be made in writing to the Dean (GRS). International candidates can only receive a part-time award if permitted under the conditions of their visa.

Part-time Scholarships will only be approved if the candidate can demonstrate the following:

  • Significant family caring responsibilities that prevent the candidate from undertaking a full-time study load.
  • A disability or ongoing medical condition that prevents the candidate from undertaking a full-time study load.
  • Other Special Circumstances in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure.

The Student must provide documents in support to their request to reduce to a part-time Enrolment. Scholarship Students should note that any reduction in Scholarship amounts may have tax implications and they are encouraged to speak to a tax professional.

4.6.2 Extensions

In exceptional and unexpected circumstances, a Scholarship holder may apply in writing to the Dean (GRS) for an extension to their Scholarship. This request should be made as soon as the Student is aware of any circumstances that may impede their ability to complete their program within their Scholarship timeframe.

A Scholarship can be awarded to a doctoral candidate up to a maximum of four years (FTE) with the approval of the Dean (GRS).

Students should refer to the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure for further information on unexpected circumstances.

4.6.3 Changes to Research Project and/or Supervision

All applications to change research project topics or supervisory team members must be made in writing to the GRS. The GRS will review the request against the Scholarship terms and conditions provided to the Student when the Scholarship was awarded. Students with external funding or funding associated with a specific research topic must gain the written approval of the funding provider prior to submitting the change request to the GRS.

4.7 Student Grievances

Students who disagree with a Decision made by the University regarding Scholarship termination, withdrawal, suspension, or variation may request a review of the Decision, in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

Responsible Officer

Dean (Graduate Research School)

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Higher Degree by Research Student Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Related Procedures

Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure

Cotutelle PhD Program Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Admissions and Enrolments Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Progress Procedure

Research Training Program Scholarship Procedure

Student Grievance Resolution Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Academic Merit

Academic Merit is based on an Applicant's level of academic achievement during their prior studies. It is generally assessed on an applicant's OP score, International Baccalaureate (IB) score, Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank, or equivalent rank based on the applicants qualifications and/or work experience....moreAcademic Merit is based on an Applicant's level of academic achievement during their prior studies. It is generally assessed on an applicant's OP score, International Baccalaureate (IB) score, Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank, or equivalent rank based on the applicants qualifications and/or work experience.


The process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University....moreThe process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University.


A formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned....moreA formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned.


A person who applies for any program or Course of study offered by the University whether the application is made through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) or directly to the University....moreA person who applies for any program or Course of study offered by the University whether the application is made through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) or directly to the University.

Chief Investigator

The overall lead researcher for a research project....moreThe overall lead researcher for a research project.

Conflict of Interest

If a University Member has an interest that conflicts or may conflict with the discharge of the University Member's duties the University Member should Declare the nature of the interest and the conflict to the University Member's Supervisor as soon as practicable after the relevant facts come to the University Member's knowledge and must not take action or further action relating to a...moreIf a University Member has an interest that conflicts or may conflict with the discharge of the University Member's duties the University Member should Declare the nature of the interest and the conflict to the University Member's Supervisor as soon as practicable after the relevant facts come to the University Member's knowledge and must not take action or further action relating to a matter that is or may be affected by the conflict until authorised. An Executive Leader may direct a University Member to resolve a conflict or possible conflict between an interest of the University Member and the University Member's duties. A reference to an interest or to a Conflict of Interest is a reference to those matters within their ordinary meaning under the general law, and, in relation to an interest, the definition in the Acts Interpretation Act 1954, Schedule 1, does not apply. A Conflict of Interest will arise when a University Member's Private Interests conflict with their duty to the University or to serve the public interest as a University Member. The risk of having a conflict of interest increases where a University Member's responsibilities include the authority to make decisions. A conflict of interest may be potential, perceived or actual - when a University Member is in a role where future decision making may be influenced by their Private Interests if a certain condition is fulfilled, they have a potential conflict of interest; a perceived conflict of interest arises where it appears that decisions a University Member make in the course of their University employment may be influenced by their Private Interests, whether or not this is in fact the case; an actual conflict of interest exists where a University Member's actions could be unduly, improperly or excessively influenced by their Private Interests. Serious misconduct can occur when a conflict of interest is concealed, understated, mismanaged or abused.


A determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University....moreA determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University.


The process of admitting Students to one or more Courses for the current Academic Year....moreThe process of admitting Students to one or more Courses for the current Academic Year.

Fees Offset

An RTP Fees Offset pays for the tuition fees of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student that would otherwise have been paid by the student....moreAn RTP Fees Offset pays for the tuition fees of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student that would otherwise have been paid by the student.

Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

A Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work....moreA Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work.

Leave of Absence

An approval granted to a Student to cease formal study as an enrolled Student for a specified period of time....moreAn approval granted to a Student to cease formal study as an enrolled Student for a specified period of time.


A Scholarship is Student recognition, typically based on Academic Merit, which provides a financial grant to a Student to undertake or complete a program of study at the University over a nominated period of time, in accordance with the selection criteria. A Scholarship may take the form of periodic payments to the Student or a reduction in specified costs, such as tuition fees for the...moreA Scholarship is Student recognition, typically based on Academic Merit, which provides a financial grant to a Student to undertake or complete a program of study at the University over a nominated period of time, in accordance with the selection criteria. A Scholarship may take the form of periodic payments to the Student or a reduction in specified costs, such as tuition fees for the duration of the Scholarship.

Special Circumstances

Matters which are, in most cases, beyond the control of the Student and which will impact their capacity to progress with their planned program of study or meet a submission deadline. In some legislation, Special Circumstances are referred to as “compassionate and compelling circumstances”....moreMatters which are, in most cases, beyond the control of the Student and which will impact their capacity to progress with their planned program of study or meet a submission deadline. In some legislation, Special Circumstances are referred to as “compassionate and compelling circumstances”.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


Also known as a Standard Thesis, is the material outcomes of a program of research. It is also referred to as a 'dissertation'....moreAlso known as a Standard Thesis, is the material outcomes of a program of research. It is also referred to as a 'dissertation'.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only


Record No


Complying with the law and observing Policy and Procedure is a condition of working and/or studying at the University.

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