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English Language Proficiency Requirements Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To set out how Applicants can demonstrate they meet English language proficiency requirements for Admission to their chosen program of study.

2 Scope

This Procedure applies to all prospective Students applying for entry into Award and Non-Award Programs delivered by the University at undergraduate, postgraduate and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) levels, including Study Abroad and exchange Students.

3 Procedure Overview

English language proficiency requirements take into consideration the level of English language skills needed to commence and successfully progress through a program of study and to meet the requirements of any professional registration and external accreditation bodies, where required.

This Procedure aligns with the:

  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021: Standard 1.1 Admission; Standard 5.1 Course Approval and Accreditation
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (2018): Standard 2.2: Recruitment of an Overseas Student.

4 Procedures

Programs at the University are delivered in the English language. All Applicants seeking entry to the University's programs must meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements for their chosen program.

Evidence used to demonstrate an Applicant's English language proficiency includes:

  • a completed University-recognised English language proficiency test, not more than two (2) years old at the date of application to the University
  • a completed University-recognised preparatory English language, or comparable pathway program
  • previous study or qualification in Australia or in a recognised country where English is used as the language of instruction
  • evidence of a sufficient level of accumulated English language skills through a combination of qualifications, academic experience, research publications, work and life experience.

Applicants who have undertaken study taught entirely in English in a country not on the University-recognised country list are required to provide documented evidence, including verification from a recognised institution.

The University may accept other evidence that demonstrates equivalence to English language proficiency requirements on the recommendation of the Program Director and the approval of the Dean (Academic) or Head of College and Dean (Pathways Education), whichever is responsible for the program, and on the approval of the Dean (Graduate Research School) for HDR programs. Outcomes of such Decisions will not be used to establish any precedent for Admission or non-Admission into a program.

The University reserves the right to request that an Applicant undertakes an English language test in addition to any other evidence of English language proficiency provided. Further details on Admission requirements for programs are set out in the Admissions Procedure.

4.1 Standard requirements

Standard English language proficiency requirements apply to most of the University's programs. Standard requirements are set out in the Standard English Language Proficiency Requirements Table on the University's website.

4.2 Non-standard requirements

Non-standard English language proficiency requirements which are specific to a program are listed in the Non-standard English Language Proficiency Requirements Table on the University's website.

Programs with professional registration or accreditation requirements may have separate or additional English requirements which must be met.

4.3 Accumulated English language proficiency

Evidence of English language skills which were accumulated within the last 10 years through a combination of qualifications, academic experience, research publications, work and life experience may be submitted for assessment for equivalence to English language proficiency requirements. Assessments will be made on a case-by-case basis unless otherwise stated in the Non-Standard Requirements Table or based on professional registration or accreditation requirements.

4.4 Professional registration

Recognition of qualifications by some industry bodies, or registration to practice with some professional accreditation authorities including health and education, may have specific or additional English proficiency requirements.

These requirements are separate from the English language proficiency requirements for Admission to the University and may be more demanding or restrictive.

4.5 English language proficiency requirements for a Student visa

Students may be required to demonstrate specific or additional English language proficiency when applying for a Student visa under the Simplified Student Visa Framework. Students should refer to the Department of Home Affairs to check the English proficiency level and evidence that is required for Student visa applications.

4.6 English language programs

Applicants who do not meet the requirements listed in this Procedure may be able to attain the necessary proficiency through the University's English language programs.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)

Responsible Officer

Dean (Academic)

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Admissions Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS)

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Academic Programs and Courses Quality Policy

Enrolment Policy

Related Procedures

Admissions Procedure

Enrolment Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Admissions and Enrolments Procedure

Program Accreditation Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

Australian Health Practitioner Health Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership

Australian Qualifications Framework

Cambridge Assessment (C1 Advanced/C2 Proficiency)

Department of Home Affairs

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Nursing and Midwifery Board English Language Skills

Pearson Test of English (PTE)

Queensland College of Teachers

Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre English Language Proficiency

Simplified Student Visa Framework

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


The process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University....moreThe process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University.


A person who applies for any program or Course of study offered by the University whether the application is made through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) or directly to the University....moreA person who applies for any program or Course of study offered by the University whether the application is made through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) or directly to the University.

Award Program

A sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council....moreA sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council.


A discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade....moreA discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade.


A method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and does not include a major research component....moreA method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and does not include a major research component.

Coursework Program

A sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework....moreA sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework.


A determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University....moreA determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University.

Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

A Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work....moreA Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work.

Non-Award Program

A sequence of study which does not lead to an Award....moreA sequence of study which does not lead to an Award.


An operational instruction that sets out the process to operationalise a Policy....moreAn operational instruction that sets out the process to operationalise a Policy.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only


Record No


Complying with the law and observing Policy and Procedure is a condition of working and/or studying at the University.

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