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Integrated Planning and Performance Policy

Policy overview

1 Purpose

Articulate the University's approach to strategy development, planning, resource allocation and performance evaluation.

2 Scope

This policy applies to all University Members.

3 Policy Statement

The University takes a holistic integrated approach to planning, reporting and performance evaluation via systems, practices and controls to ensure efficient, effective and economical performance management.

4 Principles

The University is committed to a system of integrated planning and Risk informed decision making, achieved by:

  • Developing plans that are:
    • Logical, measurable and responsive to changing internal and external environments;
    • Consistent and visible;
    • Transparent and simple;
    • Inclusive and respectful of First Nations knowledge and perspectives;
    • Provide connection between people, processes, and resources; and
    • Designed to facilitate dynamic discussion and decision making.
  • Undertaking planning consultatively across multiple time horizons as articulated in the Integrated Planning Framework.
  • Developing a hierarchy of plans provided in Table 1 (below).
  • Creating and maintaining performance evaluation and decision making mechanisms to measure, monitor and act on performance to objectives within the Strategic Plan.
  • Regular performance monitoring and reporting to Council and Vice-Chancellor's Executive.
  • Establishing tiered governance structures to ensure separation of responsibility and heightened performance.
  • Including Risk management as an integral part of all decision making.
  • Developing and maintaining a dynamic budget model to support implementation of the University's strategic objectives.

Table 1: Hierarchy of plans

Plan level




Strategic Plan

Provides vision, mission, values and overarching strategic direction, covering a period of five years.


Core Plans

Underpin the Strategic Plan and mobilise key divisional portfolios.


Enabling Plans

Activate the strategic and core plans across activities such as International, People, Campus Development, Digital and Innovation.


Portfolio Plans

Provide direction on the core deliverables for strategic programs of work, including roadmaps guiding the development of specific projects and a three-year forecast.


Annual Priority and Operational Plans

Provide the annual priorities and resourcing methodologies, set and distributed by Vice-Chancellor's Executive members to inform Operational Plans (articulated within the Annual Plan and Budget).

Operational Plans outline area operational actions and initiatives, consistent with the annual priorities, and include resource allocation.

5 References

TEQSA, 2019, Guidance Note: Corporate Governance, viewed 14 February 2022,

6 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Policy Information

Accountable Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)

Responsible Officer

Director (Planning and Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Enterprise Services)

Policy Type

Governance Policy

Policy Suite

Integrated Planning and Performance Procedure

Research Structures Procedure

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Financial Accountability Act 2009

Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Department of Premier and Cabinet, 2021, Agency Planning Requirements

University of Southern Queensland Act 1998

Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Public Universities

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Enterprise Risk Management Policy

Financial Management and Accountability Policy

Related Procedures

Annual Financial Planning (Budget) Procedure (under development)

Enterprise Risk Management Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Enterprise Risk Management Framework (under development)

Financial Management Practice Manual (restricted access)

Integrated Planning Framework (restricted access)

Project Management Framework (restricted access)


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


Council means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council....moreCouncil means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council.

Key Performance Indicators

The key measures of activities the University is undertaking to achieve the aims of the strategic plan....moreThe key measures of activities the University is undertaking to achieve the aims of the strategic plan.

Key Result Indicators

The key measures of the aims of the strategic plans the University is endeavouring to achieve....moreThe key measures of the aims of the strategic plans the University is endeavouring to achieve.

Operational Plan

The Operational Plans developed by the University, as required under Section 8(1)(b) of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019....moreThe Operational Plans developed by the University, as required under Section 8(1)(b) of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019.


The effect of uncertainty on objectives....moreThe effect of uncertainty on objectives.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan developed by the University, as required under Section 8(1)(a) of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019....moreThe Strategic Plan developed by the University, as required under Section 8(1)(a) of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

University Members

Persons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiti...morePersons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiting, honorary and adjunct appointees; volunteers who contribute to University activities or who act on behalf of the University; and individuals who are granted access to University facilities or who are engaged in providing services to the University, such as contractors or consultants, where applicable.

Definitions that relate to this policy only


Record No


Complying with the law and observing Policy and Procedure is a condition of working and/or studying at the University.

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