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Financial Delegations Schedule

Schedule overview

1 Purpose

To enable the efficient and effective operation of the University by providing necessary and appropriate financial delegation to officers to enable them to discharge their responsibilities.

2 Scope

This schedule must be read in conjunction with the Delegations Policy and is subordinate to it. Financial delegations cover expenditure and revenue transactions, capital expenditure, execution of contracts, investment activity, general journal transactions, authority to sign cheques and other banking transactions, write-off or disposal of debts, equipment or inventory and issuance of credit cards.

3 Schedule

All delegations are to be exercised subject to budgetary limitations and in accordance with the Financial Delegations Schedule and are exclusive of GST where applicable.

Revisions to the Financial Delegation Schedule involving Authority amounts of $10,000,000 and above are to be endorsed by the Finance and Facilities Committee and approved by Council.

Revisions to the Financial Delegations Schedule involving Authority amounts of less than $10,000,000 are to be endorsed by the Chief Financial Officer and approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

3.1 Revenue and Expenditure Authority

Authority to commit funds for purchases (including signing of requisitions and payment requests) and to raise assessments for income (signing of an Assessment Notice).





Director, Governance and University Secretary


Division of the Vice-Chancellor



Pro Vice-Chancellors


Executive Director (International)




Excluding Director (Integrity and Professional Conduct)

Chief of Staff to the Vice-Chancellor


Academic Division



Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)


Pro Vice-Chancellors


Academic Registrar


Associate Provost


Executive Director (Professional Services)


Heads of School/College and Deans




CEO, Queensland College of Wine Tourism


Research and Innovation Division

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)


Executive Directors


Includes iLAuNCH





Chief Operating Officer (iLAuNCH)


Enterprise Services Division

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)


Executive Directors


Chief Financial Officer


Chief People Officer


Chief Information Officer


General Counsel




Associate Director (ICT Governance and Partnerships)


Associate Directors (Facilities Management and Operations)


Crisis Incident Controller


Note: This authority is ONLY for a declared level 1 or 2 incident in accordance with the UniSQ Critical Incident Activation Chart




Other Members of Staff

Nominated members of staff


  • Nominated in writing to the Chief Financial Officer by Organisational Unit Heads
  • Normally, nominees must be classified Academic Level C or higher, Higher Education Worker Level 7 or higher.

3.2 Contract and Legal Agreements

Authority to execute a contract or otherwise enter into a legal agreement. This includes consultancy agreements and other service contracts. (Both engagement of and provision of).






Unlimited authority to execute Federal Funding Agreements



Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)


Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)


Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)


Pro Vice-Chancellors


Academic Registrar


Associate Provost


Dean (Students)


Executive Director (Facilities Management)


Chief People Officer


Chief Information Officer


Chief Financial Officer


Director (Estate Services)


Director (Library Services)


Director (Office of Research)


Director (Research Partnerships)


Executive Director (International)


Director (Media and Strategic Communications)


Executive Director (Professional Services)


Dean (Academic Transformation)


Dean (Learning and Teaching Futures)




Duration < than or equal to 12 mths

* The Vice-Chancellor can execute income contracts for the University valued at more than the authorised amount (currently $10,000,000) subject to:

(a) Undertaking appropriate legal and financial review;

(b) The University contribution to the contract being at or below the Vice-Chancellor's delegation (currently $10,000,000); and

(c) Notifying about the contract details (including financial, University contribution, background intellectual property, new project intellectual property, term, termination, commercialisation, future obligations, risk and risk management, etc.) at the next meeting of Finance and Facilities Committee and Council.

3.3 Payment Requests

Authority to certify payment requests for salaries and associated expenses, major lease payments and overheads.






Chief Financial Officer


Director (Business Advisory)


Director (Financial Services)


Executive Director (Facilities Management)


University Overheads only

Director (Estate Services)


University Overheads only

3.4 Investment Transactions

Authority to certify payment requests for investments.




Chief Financial Officer


Director (Business Advisory)


Director (Financial Services)


3.5 Authorised Payment Signatories

Authority to sign cheques and other banking documents including electronic transfer of funds, wires, and drafts.




Chief Financial Officer

  • Any payments for an amount greater than $5,000 must be authorised by any two of the authorised payment signatories from the 'Position' column to the left.

Director (Business Advisory)

Director (Financial Services)

Manager (Financial Operations)

Manager (Financial Accounting)

Financial Accountant

3.6 Disposal/Write Off

Authority to write-off or otherwise dispose of debts or damaged, irreparable, obsolete, missing and/or surplus equipment or stores.






Chief Financial Officer


Director (Library Services)


For library resource materials only.

3.7 Issuance of Credit Cards

Authority to approve issue of University Credit Card and Accompanying Expenditure Authority.




Chief Financial Officer


Facility Limit

Chief Financial Officer


Individual Transaction Limits in accordance with the Corporate Card Procedure

Director (Financial Services)


Individual Transaction Limits in accordance with the Corporate Card Procedure

Chief Financial Officer


Approval of Individual Cards

Director (Financial Services)


Approval of Individual Cards

3.8 Reassignment of Financial Delegations

Financial delegation holders of $40,000 and above are position-based, whereas $5,000 financial delegations are individual-based.

(a) Position-based Financial Delegation holders (a delegation of $40,000 or above) have the authority to temporarily reassign their Financial Delegation to appropriately trained management staff in their department during their absence without additional approval. Responsibility remains with the financial delegation holders and confirmation will be sought annually through the Internal Control Certification process.

(b) Position-based Financial Delegation holders may annually elect to nominate a staff member to automatically assume their financial delegation in their absence or can provide this nomination on an absence-by-absence basis. This advice is to be provided to the Financial Systems Team. The nominee will be used as required in the financial systems utilising workflow.

(c) Upon advice from position-based delegation holders, the Financial Systems Team will maintain the PeopleSoft Financial System to ensure the appropriate delegation is recorded within the system and maintain all records associated with the re-assignment of delegations.

(d) Financial delegation holders of $5,000 require approval from the next level positional financial delegate in their department.

4 References


5 Schedule Information

Accountable Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)

Responsible Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Policy Type

Governance Policy

Policy Suite

Delegations Policy

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Related Procedures

Related forms, publications and websites


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Definitions that relate to this schedule only


Record No


Complying with the law and observing Policy and Procedure is a condition of working and/or studying at the University.

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