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Mobile Device and Service Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To identify the process to be followed when assessing business needs for the use of a Mobile Device and associated Mobile Service Packages (hereafter referred to as Services). The procedure outlines the responsibilities of University Members and provides guidelines for the acceptable Usage of Mobile Devices and/or Mobile Device accounts for the University.

This procedure is pursuant to the University's Mobile Device and Service Policy.

2 Scope

This procedure applies equally to all University Members who use any Mobile Devices and Service owned by the University.

3 Procedure Overview

This procedure outlines the processes involved in:

  • the allocation of University owned Mobile Devices and Services to an eligible University Member or function
  • identifies the range of Mobile Devices and Services available and the conditions surrounding continued Usage
  • identifies the reporting and monitoring processes
  • specifies the acceptable Usage guidelines that apply and the roles and responsibilities of all parties.

4 Procedures

4.1 Eligibility

4.1.1 Individual staff members

The University will provide a Mobile Device to those University Members where it is deemed necessary for the performance of the duties of their position. Ordinarily this will pertain to staff whose duties require them to spend time away from their normal workplace and/or be contactable outside business hours.

4.1.2 Business functions

On occasion a Mobile Device will be allocated to a business function rather than an individual, for example:

  • The business function is related to the provision of on-call activities that are shared across a team of individuals from a Division and/or Department.
  • The business function has a need to send SMS messages to staff and/or students. These should be undertaken with reference to the Student Communication Policy.
  • The business function uses telemetry equipment.

The Approving Officer will nominate a specific member of staff to:

  • take responsibility for the allocation of the Mobile Device
  • facilitate the distribution of Mobile Device accounts to the correct Division and/or Department
  • review Usage against the relevant Service package and raise any potential issues with the University Member and appropriate line manager.

4.2 Issuing a Mobile Device

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services will publish a list of Acceptable devices and models and will review the list of Acceptable Devices and models on a regular basis. Any changes to the Division and/or Department representatives responsible for reviewing the monthly Mobile Device accounts will be communicated to ICT Services by the Approving Officer.

University Mobile Devices must only be connected via the University's preferred mobile network provider. Approval to connect a BYOD Mobile Device to the University Mobile Service Package and plans must approved by the Chief Information Officer.

The new Service will be charged against the Approving Officer's nominated Division and/or Department.

In order to take advantage of volume pricing discounts, the University has standardised Mobile Device equipment, Mobile Service Packages, and Mobile Device accessories. University Mobile Devices must be purchased through Finance and Business Solutions (ICT Procurement). Any exception to this must be approved by the Chief Information Officer.

4.2.1 Carrier service

All Mobile Device services will be provided by the University's approved telecommunications carrier. Use of an alternate carrier can only be authorised by the Chief Information Officer or delegate.

4.2.2 Pre-paid phones

An exemption to 4.2.1 will occur in relation to the purchase of pre-paid phones. In some circumstances, pre-paid mobile phones are purchased to satisfy a specific business function, typically associated with research projects. These phones are not connected to the University's preferred mobile network provider for the purposes of issuing a monthly Mobile Service Package statement.

4.2.3 Replacing or upgrading an existing Mobile Device or Service Package

The University will replace Mobile Devices with the approval of the Approving Officer. The Approving Officer's Division and/or Department is responsible for meeting all charges associated with replacing or updating a Mobile Device. In circumstances where it has been shown that the University Member's carelessness contributed to the loss of or damage to the device then the University Member may be required to contribute to the replacement cost.

The University may choose to replace Mobile Devices as required by business or technological changes.

Mobile Devices that have been upgraded to a new model or replaced must be returned to ICT Services for reassignment or disposal. ICT Services will publish advice regarding the removal of Personal Information from a Mobile Device.

The Approving Officer is responsible for requesting and approving a change to an existing Mobile Service Package to ensure ongoing alignment between cost and actual Usage in line with legitimate business need.

4.2.4 Conclusion of employment

On cessation of a University Member's employment with the University, the Mobile Device handsets, accessories and Mobile Devices must be returned to the Approving Officer or delegate.

Normally University Members will not be permitted to take the Mobile Device and/or mobile number when they leave the employment of the University. Approval to transfer a University Mobile Device number must be provided by the Chief Information Officer.

4.2.5 Extended leave

If a University Member is on Extended Leave (typically more than six weeks), the Mobile Device handsets, accessories and Mobile Devices must be returned to the Approving Officer or delegate. These items will normally be reissued to the University Member upon resumption of duties.

4.2.6 Disposal of equipment

Mobile Devices, handsets and accessories that are technologically obsolete and due for disposal must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. ICT Services will coordinate this process. Devices for disposal should be provided to ICT Services.

The Approving Officer or delegate from the Division and/or Department will complete the Asset/PAI Disposal Request Form and submit it to Finance and Business Solutions for processing.

4.3 Overseas use

The Approving Officer will ensure that University Members travelling overseas have their Mobile Device connected to an appropriate overseas data plan for the duration of the overseas travel.

The University Corporate Travel Office will include information in a traveller's overseas information pack on the correct use of a Mobile Device whilst travelling overseas. This information will be prepared and updated by ICT Services on a regular basis.

4.4 Authorised and acceptable usage guidelines

University Members and Approving Officers must refer to the Acceptable Use of ICT Resources Policy and the Code of Conduct Policy.

Mobile Devices must be used appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. The following must be observed:

  • In the event of loss or theft, the University Member is responsible for immediately contacting their Approving Officer and ICT Services who will contact the carrier to have the number disabled.
  • Mobile Devices are for University business purposes. It may be necessary for University Members to use the Mobile Device for personal use where there is no alternative. University Members are expected to strictly limit such calls; for example, calls made when travelling on business or when delayed due to business meetings.
  • University Members may be required to reimburse the University where personal use is deemed excessive. (The Divisional Head will determine appropriate use for Mobile Devices and Services in their Division).
  • Mobile Devices must not be used for business activities other than those related to the University.
  • Mobile Devices must not be used to call premium call charge services such as 1900 numbers or premium SMS services.
  • University Members driving, working in a potentially hazardous area, or carrying out a potentially hazardous task, should turn off the Mobile Device or move to a safe location prior to answering the Mobile Device. The driver of a vehicle must not use a hand-held Mobile Device while the vehicle is moving, or while it is stationary but not parked. For information on the safe use of a Mobile Device users are required to view the Motor Vehicles and Travel Fatigue Procedure
  • Use of data services from Mobile Devices are subject to Mobile Device and Service Policy and the Acceptable Use of ICT Resources Policy.
  • University Members should make every reasonable effort to ensure that the Mobile Device is secured at all times, charged and switched on when required by the University to perform work duties. Information on securing Mobile Devices is located on the Australian Government Department of Communications website at

4.5 Monitoring

4.5.1 Routine monitoring

ICT Services will publish a list of Division and/or Department representatives responsible for reviewing the monthly Mobile Device accounts.

ICT Services will distribute the Mobile Device accounts to the Division and/or Department representatives who have been assigned responsibility for monitoring monthly Mobile Device and Service Usage against individual Mobile Service Packages and providing advice on any discrepancies to the Approving Officer and delegated direct line manager.

ICT Services will publish a list of the largest monthly Usage and will provide guidance to Division and/or Department representatives to ensure plans are appropriate to the Usage pattern.

ICT Services will implement proactive monitoring of data plans to ensure that University Members and Division and/or Department representatives are informed when data plan Usage is likely to exceed the standard plan quota.

The Approving Officer is responsible for monitoring Usage against the Mobile Device and Service Policy and against the expectations set for acceptable use in each case upon issue of the device or service and taking any corrective action to ensure alignment between expected and actual use. Itemised bills for an individual Mobile Device will be made available to the Approving Officer and the direct line manager(s) where there is reasonable suspicion of misuse.

Examples of corrective action might include:

  • reiteration or amendment of original expectations regarding use
  • request for partial payment of actual costs
  • adjustment of the applicable Service package
  • re-imbursement of costs incurred where personal use is deemed excessive.

The Divisional Head will determine what is appropriate use for Mobile Devices and Services in the Division.

ICT Services will implement proactive monitoring of data plans to ensure that University Members and Division and/or Department representatives are informed when data plan Usage is likely to exceed the standard plan quota.

4.5.2 Escalation processes

Disputes arising between University Members and Approving Officers and/or delegated direct line managers regarding acceptable use of a device or service should be escalated to the relevant Divisional Head.

ICT Services may cancel the Mobile Device or service upon reasonable suspicion of loss or misuse of a Mobile Device or Service (e.g. unusual and/or prolonged Usage patterns or charges coupled with non-response from the University Member or Approving Officer or Division Head). Advice will be provided to the University Member, Approving Officer and Division Head regarding the cancellation, including the rationale.

4.5.3 Access to account Usage information

The University has the right to capture and inspect any communication information made on a University Mobile Device or on a University Mobile Device account to:

  • investigate system problems
  • investigate potential security violations
  • maintain system security and integrity
  • prevent, detect or minimise unacceptable behaviour
  • review expenditure charged to a Mobile Device account.

4.6 Revoking a Mobile Device

The Approving Officer or delegate is responsible for reviewing Mobile Device Service plan Usage on a regular basis. The University reserves the right to revoke approval for a University Mobile Device at any time. This approval will come from the Approving Officer or delegate.

4.7 Roles and responsibilities

4.7.1 Chief Information Officer

The Chief Information Officer or delegate can authorise 1300, 1900, 1930 and other information services.

4.7.2 Approving Officer

The Approving Officer is responsible for:

  • confirming the eligibility criteria associated with issuing a Mobile Device
  • communicating the purpose/business need for which the Mobile Device has been issued as well as expectations about appropriate use
  • determining University Member eligibility for a Mobile Device handset and/or Mobile Device account and have the discretion to withdraw access rights
  • determining the level of access for individual University Members. The default for new Mobile Service Packages is national dialling only
  • approving access to Service Packages which involve additional costs, such as International roaming, International dialling, and GPRS services
  • ensuring University Members who have been granted approval to use a Mobile Device are aware of the Mobile Device and Service Policy
  • ensuring Mobile Device handsets purchased are one of the recommended models from the University preferred supplier as provided on the ICT Services website
  • ensuring that Mobile Devices are recorded as a portable and attractive item and included in the University Portable and Attractive Items Register
  • ensuring that Mobile Device handsets and Mobile Device accounts are charged to appropriate University accounts. This includes ensuring that the purchase does not contravene the conditions of the nominated account for invoicing
  • monitoring use of Mobile Devices by approved University Members in terms of unreasonable call charges and determine the level of personal call costs considered to be excessive
  • notifying ICT Services of changes when cancelling or re-assigning a Mobile Device handset and/or account.

4.7.3 Individual University Members

Individual University Members are required to:

  • read and abide by the Mobile Device and Service Policy
  • ensure the proper use, care and security of Mobile Devices
  • set a PIN number on all University Mobile Devices to prevent unauthorised use
  • report faulty, damaged, lost or stolen Mobile Devices to ICT Services immediately. If the Mobile Device is stolen out of normal business hours the user will contact University Security who will contact the service provider directly to block calls on the Mobile Device account
  • check to ensure the Mobile Device account charges are correct
  • ensure the Mobile Device is used for University purposes
  • return the Mobile Device complete with SIM card and additional accessories if no longer employed by the University or if required by the relevant Approving Officer.

Individual University Members can request access to services which involve additional costs, such as International roaming, International dialling, and GPRS services. The request must be approved by the relevant Approving Officer before it can be actioned by ICT Services. International roaming will only be activated whilst overseas on official University business.

4.7.4 ICT Services

ICT Services is responsible for:

  • determining and updating the policy and standard configuration guidelines for Mobile Device Usage at the University
  • applying a standard setting for all Mobile Devices and, when required, will send push notifications to these devices
  • providing a system for the procurement of Mobile Devices by the University
  • creating and modifying Mobile Device accounts for approved University Members
  • proactive management of data plans via the use of alert services as possible and/or requested, routine reporting on high Usage, and in exceptional circumstances corrective action to prevent apparent misuse
  • paying Mobile Device charges for all Mobile Devices and Mobile Device accounts which have been approved for use by the relevant Approving Officer
  • debiting the nominated account monthly for the costs of approved Mobile Devices and accounts
  • providing itemised invoices for all Mobile Device accounts
  • providing guidance on security measures that should be considered and implemented to prevent unauthorised access to Restricted Information and Personal Information stored on Mobile Devices
  • providing advice regarding the removal of Personal Information from a Mobile Device providing training to Division and/or Department representatives responsible for reviewing the monthly Mobile Device accounts and using the reporting system.

4.7.5 Divisional Head

The Divisional Head will:

  • Determine appropriate use for Mobile Devices and Services in the Division
  • Resolve disputes arising between University Members and Approving Officers and/or delegated direct line managers regarding:
    • acceptable use of a Mobile Device and Service
    • provision of a Mobile Device and Service
    • ongoing commitment to fund the costs associated with the issuance of a Mobile Device and Service.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Chief Information Officer

Responsible Officer

Chief Information Officer

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Mobile Device and Service Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Acceptable use of ICT Resources Policy

Assets Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Handling Personal Student Information Policy and Procedure

ICT Information Management and Security Policy

Intangible Assets Policy

Portable and Attractive Items Policy

Privacy Policy

Student Communication Policy

Travel Policy

Related Procedures

Assets Procedure

Intangible Assets Procedure

Motor Vehicles and Travel Fatigue Procedure

Student Communication Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Asset/PAI Disposal Request Form

Australian Government Department of Communications

Safety central

ICT Acceptable Devices


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Personal Information

Is information or an opinion, including information or an opinion forming part of a database, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion....moreIs information or an opinion, including information or an opinion forming part of a database, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.

University Members

Persons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiti...morePersons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiting, honorary and adjunct appointees; volunteers who contribute to University activities or who act on behalf of the University; and individuals who are granted access to University facilities or who are engaged in providing services to the University, such as contractors or consultants, where applicable.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only

Approving Officer

Financial Delegation and HR Delegation Category 4 or above


Bring your own device

Extended Leave

More than six weeks leave

Division and/or Department

Refers to an organisational unit or units of the University and includes all Divisions, all Schools, all Departments, all Projects, all Research Centres, Business Units and all sub sections or sub groups of these units.

Mobile Device

Any laptop or notebook computer, phone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs), iPad or tablet, or any emerging voice or data device that accesses a commercial mobile telecommunications service, that is provided to a University staff member and paid for by the University for the purposes of fulfilling individual or business unit work requirements.

Mobile Service Packages

The Mobile Device carrier and Mobile Device charging plan.


All calls, messages, data transfers, and services that are attributable to a Mobile Device and Mobile Service Package.


Record No


Complying with the law and observing Policy and Procedure is a condition of working and/or studying at the University.

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