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Award Eligibility and Graduation Policy

Policy overview

1 Purpose

To establish the requirements for Award eligibility and conferral.

2 Scope

This policy applies to all Students enrolled in an Award Program.

This policy does not apply to Honorary Awards. Please refer to the Honorary Award and Title Policy for information on Honorary Awards.

3 Policy Statement

The University grants Awards only if a program of study leads to the Award of that qualification and all of the requirements of the program of study have been fulfilled.

A Student who has fulfilled all of the requirements for an Award Program is confirmed as eligible to graduate and becomes a Graduand of the University.

The University confers Awards and medals on Graduands at a graduation ceremony, or in absentia during a graduation ceremony.

In exceptional circumstances, the Associate Provost, or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), as appropriate, may confirm eligibility to graduate and recommend to the Vice-Chancellor that the University confers Awards on Graduands without a formal graduation ceremony taking place.

This Policy aligns with the:

  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021: Standard 1.5 Qualifications and Certification

4 Principles

The following principles and requirements apply for all Award Programs:

  1. Students must satisfy all the requirements for the Award within the maximum time allowable as specified in the program accreditation documents and the University Handbook.
  2. Students who have had a break in their study that requires them to apply for readmission must, if readmitted, resume study under the Award Program requirements which are in place at the time they are readmitted.
  3. In exceptional circumstances, the Dean (Academic) of the Faculty offering the program, or the Dean (Graduate Research School) in the case of Higher Degree by Research programs, may extend the time to complete the Award Program beyond that specified in the program accreditation documents.
  4. A Student who does not meet the completion requirements for the Award Program in which they are, or have been, enrolled may be eligible to graduate with a lower level Award, subject to any Credit limits, if all program requirements of the lower level Award have been met.
  5. Once a Higher Degree by Research Student satisfies all the requirements of their program, the University will issue a letter advising that the Student has satisfied the requirements of the Award Program and that the Award is yet to be conferred. This letter will be authorised by the Dean (Graduate Research School). The Student is entitled to use any associated title (for example Doctor for the PhD) on receipt of the letter. The Student's Award will not be conferred until the next relevant conferral date.
  6. Any Student who has a debt of any type to the University will not be permitted to graduate.

5 Medals and Awards with Distinction

The University recognises outstanding academic achievement by conferring University Medals, Faculty Medals, Awards with Distinction and Awards for Excellence upon graduating Students. Specific eligibility criteria for Medals and Awards with Distinction are set out as per the Medals and Awards with Distinction Schedule.

6 Posthumous Awards

The University may recognise the achievements of a Student who has died after the completion of the requirements for an Award, and is yet to graduate from the University, by posthumously conferring the Award.

The University may also recognise a Student who has died whilst in the final stages of their program of study by posthumously conferring the Award in which they were enrolled or a lesser/embedded Award. If the Student is not eligible to receive a lesser/embedded Award, then the Student may be posthumously awarded a Certificate of Achievement by the University.

Upon the recommendation of the Associate Provost, the Vice-Chancellor will recommend the appropriate course of action to the Chancellor for approval on behalf of Council. All Posthumous Awards approved will be reported by the Chancellor at a subsequent meeting of Council.

7 Graduation ceremonies

Unless warranted by exceptional circumstances, the Chancellor, as head of the University's Council, confers Awards on behalf of the University at graduation ceremonies.

The University holds a number of graduation ceremonies throughout the year. Prior to each ceremony, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) will confirm those Students who have completed the requirements to graduate.

Students who have been confirmed as having completed the requirements of an Award Program and who wish to attend a graduation ceremony must submit their request to attend by the prescribed date.

At graduation ceremonies, Graduands, processing academic staff and members of the University Council must wear academic dress as per the Academic Dress Schedule.

The University may limit the number of people who accompany a Graduand to a graduation ceremony.

Graduates will be presented with their Testamur at the graduation ceremony. Graduates who have their Award conferred 'in absentia' will receive their Testamur after the relevant graduation ceremony or the date of conferral.

Upon conferral of an Award, the Student will become a Graduate of the University and will become part of the University's Alumni Network.

8 Students with debts to the University

Any Student with debts of any type to the University will not be permitted to graduate until the debt is cleared. It is the responsibility of the Student to clear any debts to the University before the cut-off date to graduate for the relevant graduation ceremony.

A Testamur will not be issued to any Student with a debt to the University.

9 Revocation of Award

Council reserves the right to revoke an Award that has been conferred on the basis that the individual:

  • did not complete the necessary requirements for the Award; or
  • achieved conferral through Academic Misconduct, fraudulent or dishonest means.

Upon revocation of the Award by Council, the individual is advised in writing that they are no longer permitted to cite or imply that they are a recipient of the Award and a note including the date the Award was revoked is placed on the individual's academic record.

10 Replacement Testamur

In certain circumstances, the University may replace a Graduate's Testamur.

Applications to replace a Testamur shall be made to the Graduations Office.

The University will normally only replace a Testamur in the following circumstances:

  • A change of name is required on the Testamur.
  • The original Testamur is damaged.
  • The original Testamur was issued by the Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education (DDIAE) or the University College of Southern Queensland (UCSQ) and the Graduate wishes the Testamur to be re-issued by the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ).
  • The original Testamur is lost.

Fees may be charged by the University for a replacement Testamur.

11 References


12 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

13 Policy Information

Accountable Officer


Responsible Officer

Associate Provost

Policy Type

Academic Quality Policy

Policy Suite

Academic Dress Schedule

Medals and Awards with Distinction Schedule

Subordinate Schedules

Academic Dress Schedule

Medals and Awards with Distinction Schedule

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Related Procedures

Higher Degree by Research Thesis Examination Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct encompasses all behaviours, including doing as well as attempting to do, any of the acts, omissions or activities that constitute Academic Misconduct: involving the misrepresentation of academic achievement; or undermining the core values (honesty, trust, fairness and respect) of Academic Integrity; or breaching Academic Integrity; whether intentional or unintenti...moreAcademic Misconduct encompasses all behaviours, including doing as well as attempting to do, any of the acts, omissions or activities that constitute Academic Misconduct: involving the misrepresentation of academic achievement; or undermining the core values (honesty, trust, fairness and respect) of Academic Integrity; or breaching Academic Integrity; whether intentional or unintentional. Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to the following: Plagiarism and Self-plagiarism; using (including for Assessment or review) the work prepared by another person or software, including generative artificial intelligence, as their own without appropriate attribution; Collusion, such as any unauthorised collaboration in preparation or presentation of work, including knowingly allowing personal work to be copied by others; all forms of Cheating in examinations and other Assessment tasks; Contract Cheating; Promoting ways to breach Academic Integrity or using University resources to support others in breaching Academic Integrity; offering or accepting bribes (money or other favours), e.g. for Admission or for Marks/Grades; and fabrication or falsification of information or Student identity (TEQSA Guidance Note: Academic Integrity, Version 1.2, 28 March 2019).


The qualification conferred upon a Student following the successful completion of an Academic Program. The categories of Award are listed in the Program Nomenclature Schedule....moreThe qualification conferred upon a Student following the successful completion of an Academic Program. The categories of Award are listed in the Program Nomenclature Schedule.

Award Program

A sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council....moreA sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council.


Council means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council....moreCouncil means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council.


A discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade....moreA discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade.


A method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and does not include a major research component....moreA method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and does not include a major research component.


A Student who the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs), or Dean (Graduate Research School) in the case of Higher Degree by Research programs, has certified as having completed all the requirements of an Academic Program but upon whom Council has not yet conferred that Award....moreA Student who the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs), or Dean (Graduate Research School) in the case of Higher Degree by Research programs, has certified as having completed all the requirements of an Academic Program but upon whom Council has not yet conferred that Award.


A Student upon whom Council has conferred an Award....moreA Student upon whom Council has conferred an Award.

Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

A Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work....moreA Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


A certificate issued by the Council of the University to signify that a Student has satisfied the requirements of a specific program and has graduated....moreA certificate issued by the Council of the University to signify that a Student has satisfied the requirements of a specific program and has graduated.


This is an indicator of the value of a Course. Most Courses are valued at one Unit. Units are used to track progress towards completing a program. (The term used prior to 2002 to describe a Course)...moreThis is an indicator of the value of a Course. Most Courses are valued at one Unit. Units are used to track progress towards completing a program. (The term used prior to 2002 to describe a Course)

Definitions that relate to this policy only


Graduation, Award, Award Eligibility

Record No


Complying with the law and observing Policy and Procedure is a condition of working and/or studying at the University.

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